woensdag 27 mei 2015


Between Nothingness and Infinity
14 July 2015, 6pm
Bringing together artists and scholars in the physical environment of the exhibition NO HUMANS INVOLVED, this symposium acts as a point of departure for an understanding of the ‘nothingness’ and forms of alternative knowledge production that underpin the historically produced dilemma of the position of Blackness. From an acknowledgement of this ‘no-place’ as neither pessimistic or optimistic, the notion of subjectivity and self is questioned and challenged by investigating what Edouard Glissant calls the consent to not be a single being and instead many beings at the same time. Through this lens, key themes such as materiality, time and sound will be reflected upon in contributions and performance lectures by Nana Adusei-Poku (Curatorial Fellow, Witte de With), Karan Barad (Professor of Feminist Studies, Philosophy and History of Consciousness, University of California), Kara Keeling (Associate Professor of Critical Studies, University of Southern California), and Alexander Wehelyie (Professor of African American Studies, Northwestern Unversity) and members of the artist collective HOWDOYOUSAYYAMINAFRICAN?

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